The Kankana-ey belong to the tribal group known as Igorots. The Kankana-ey were one of the original inhabitants of Benguet. They dominate places in Benget like Bakun, the Mountain Trail, Buguias, Kibungan and Kapangan.
The Kankana-ey are hardworking, simple and humble. They are open to innovations, especially in farming and gardening. They are one of the best vegetable growers in the country. They were the first to explore the minerals in the region, particularly gold which they extract by planning.
The staple food of these people are camote, rice, potato and other root crops. Their way of cooking is quite different since they cook their dishes with just water and salt, sometimes with sili and cooking oil.
The Kankana-ey practice parental marriage but due to sad experiences and intermarriages with lowland people and other tribes, this practice is already declining. Traditional practices like butchering of many animals, bunong (praying done by their high priest), dancing the tayaw (native dance) and bakliw (singing) still exist.
Many rituals are performed before and during the wedding celebration. For the Kankanaeys, a wedding celebration would not be complete if there is no tayaw and offering of tapuy (rice wine). Wearing of expensive wedding gowns is not a popular practice among them but butchering of animals is compulsory. It is a dishonor on the part of both parties if animals are not killed for the wedding feast.
The Kankana-ey women are known in the province of Benguet as the best weavers of shirts and blankets. They are hardworking, independent and business-minded. Their women can work in their farms without the husband's help.
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